Valentino Garavani by Alessandro Michele | Haute Couture Spring Summer 2025 “VERTIGINEUX” | Full Fashion Show (Widescreen/1080p – Haute Couture Week – Paris/FR) #Valentino #VERTIGINEUX #HCW #Paris
Tim Garland – Battle Aeternum
Paul Ressel – Pebble Bed
Paul Dinletir – Reflux
Igor Dvorkin – Ambient
James Brett – Dies Irae
Brilliant. Echos of archival Valentino from the 70s & 80s, historical period references all wrapped in a digital bow. Obsessed
The best crafts. but the result ?
Valentino! Un Genio del diseño, creador indiscutible de la belleza.
A start to finish travesty.
Love love love
A mio parere abiti splendidi che vogliono rappresentare la parte artistica e artigianale storica della maison,lavorazioni impossibili splendide, ma valorizzabili solo in un film o serie TV storica.
Dal mio punto di vista non la trovo attuale , vedo solo abiti bellissimi per una rivisitazione storica di un film sui Tudor.
Pesado demais!
The show caught me off guard. I turned it on to dislike it, but I watched it with bated breath. The embroidered jackets were great, rich ladies pay.
Clowns come to town . Overwrought Valentino archive pieces(designs) with gastly slyling and overdone.
E una mostra ….non una moda!
wow!!! by far the strongest show ive seen this season. we love you Alessandro <3 you bring such joy
The first dresses seems like a good way for protecting personal space
WOW ! the production and sound scape is amazing ! chillingly dark, but yet so exotic.
Abiti perfetti per l'ufficio
More costumes than clothes…
Unwearable for daily activities…
Wow! Simply breathtaking!
Austentatious for the sake of it.
Beautiful and ugly.. love this show. I feel like I watch a big movie after I watched this

Absolutely surreal! Beautiful!
the worst valentino show ever
Incanto emozione
un capolavoro 
Holy cow! That got my attention. Very interesting. Love the older models.

Pierpaolo is Avant Garde..Michele is costumy. Even tough some looks inspired by the archive..and i love some looks. The embroideries are amazing
alessandro michele è un genio!
People are so influenced by imposed standards that they’ve lost the ability to see things with a neutral perspective—at least at first. This fashion show, however, is definitely more interesting than many others I’ve seen.
Disappointing. There are a hundred ways to twist each ensemble into something that no one has seen before, and they opted to go BORING-THRIFT-SHOP LOOK.
Stunning. Bravo.
Wow, this was
Valentino deixou de ser O costureiro p apresentar essas coisas horrorosas

Q pena
A bit costumey
Elisabeth I
Artistic. Impressive. Haunting.

Felt like Balenciaga
I really wanted to hate this but it’s very interesting in terms of embellishments and fabric manipulation even if the crinolines are ridiculous
I watch this whole collection over and over again and I have my thoughts. The gowns he created a beautiful but their repetitive with different embroideries and embellishments. He did go into tailoring which was good but he also had his maximus looks as well one of the things I liked were the hats and the shoes that’s something he needs if he wants the brand to flourish His best collection he did for the house was a failure for me in terms of shoes because they went interesting enough to compel me to the house. They’re really interesting parts of the show was the finale with the dramatic backdrop and the way the models were walking gave the clothes more life if he follows more with the dramatics and blend it into his clothing it would help him in the long term both in his ready to wear and couture
Super show, grande sfilata… innovativa..occhi incollati al video… finale da standing ovation!