MERRY CHRISTMAS!! here is every part I got this christmas 2024 I’m so so thankful! I hope you enjoy
watch in 1080p!!!
insta: @theavarae
tiktok: @theavarae
snap: @theavaraee
last video:
my life in hawaii *beach days, sunsets, hikes, photoshoots*
Free Music for Videos Music by ninjoi. – O, Christmas Beats (O, Tannebaum) –
I don’t own any of the music I exploit
ps I read my comments, and dm’s!
for business only:
sub count: 360,620
love all the time,
aves ♡
comment your favorite christmas gift you got this year!!!
omg the postcard is from france not spain lmaoooo
Americans really don't know geography omg
2:00 "starting off so strong i just got 300 dollars" WHAT GIRL THATS INSANE I KNOW YOUR NOT BEING UNGRATEFUL AND IM NOT HATING BUT WOW
2:21 it’s not Spain it’s Paris fuck

Merry Christmas though!

pajamas from?
best christmas haul I have watched all year xx
When buying luxury goods, it really depends on your spending power. I think it doesn't matter whether it's genuine or fake. I often go to various counters with fake goods bought on regbags , but the ladies at the counter didn't realize they were fake and asked me if I had just bought the latest model from here.
"postcard from spain" the picture is the arc de triomphe and says Paris underneath it
ava link the hoodieeeeeeee
The fan is so real
It’s so good to see how fast u grow
i went to spain in october tooooo
My favorite gift is getting a friendship bracelet kit. I love making bracelet's. Your one of my favorite youtubers to watch.
2:21 from Spain ?

Please wish me a happy birthday
Ur my fav YouTuber everrr
Great Video – I really should of done this for my channel but i totally forgot lol. There's always next year
you got some lovely items xxxx
I love your account so much
I love Xmas hauls!!
I wish it was Chrustmas till
New sub!
love this, my name is ava too lol i just posted a christmas haul
wait wait wait waitt HOW DID YOU FILM AND EDIT IN ONE DAY!!?!?!?!?!?
Are we gonna get palm desert vlogs????
What’s the color on your makeup by mario bronzer
i literally searched “rich kid christmas haul” and this was the first thing that popped up
I followed your Christmas wish list video. Our daughter is an only child. She is the only girl in 75 years on my husbands side and 25 years on my side. She is spoiled but not a brat. The only thing she asked for Christmas was slime (she still loooves slime), new Nike socks and a hair brush. We got her so many things from your Christmas list. I gave the aunts and grandmother's two things each from your list. Her eyes popped when she opened her gifts. She had no idea when we got to our other house in TN that she had these amazing things. Thank you soooo much. That 250 item Christmas list was amazing. So many cute ideas. Our daughter literally cried when she saw her things. We were able to elevate her wardrobe to be cute and casual but not seem pretentious with your ideas.
Please do a summer or spring video about clothes and accessories.
Girl tbh I have never seen a YouTuber that lives in Washington…. I was shocked when I found out!!!
i think my favorite gift out of all of them is my HUDGE vanity that i got!!!! and all my makeup
"postcard from Spain" -> proceed to show a Paris postcard
“Postcard from spain” proceeds to show a postcard of paris
Sooo please tell me what eye balm u use I need itttt
time to make my bday list
Please do an in depth skincare routine I have to know what u use for ur dark circles under ur eyes pleaseeee im begginnng
My child literally got as much as you did for Christmas, shes 21, shes in college, has a full time job, that she chose to have, but her grandparents also bought all the stuff she got for Christmas…with that being said, she took 4 pairs of Lululemon pants, And 8 gift cards, along with her brand new LV purse she got that cost around $4,500,and 4 solid gold rungs, and several bath & body works gifts cards at least 35, and she took her old iPhone 13 and me and her went to the salvation army, and she blessed so many people, and she hugged them, and she talked to them about pain, because my baby lost my dad, and my grandfather in a 2 year period of time, and we're not poor, we're comfortable, but we don't have the money like my husband's family does, and my sweet baby literally got on santas lap And begged him to bring her papaws back….my daughter could've easily made a video just like this, but shes not about that, shes about sharing, and trying to make jesus the reason for season!
Holy gift cards-
My is the Uggs ultra mini boots and adidas’s sambas
You are the prettiest girl ever! ilysm Happy new year!
like omg my dream haullllll. my dream is to one day be a youtuber too and get to buy myself all this stuff for christmas bcc im pooooooooor
I love Dick’s drive in. I live in Washington state too; hello from Lake Goodwin lol!
My name is Ava too
Yall her grandpa gave her a total of 715$. I did the math
Ik im late to the hauls but if i did Christmas hauls would anyone want to watch? Xx
Erm…. Why does it say in the description the gum is $55.13?? Like seriously why
im the same with the chocolates! it has to be dark or else im not eating it lol
Por que hablas tan deprisa?