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6 Sep

What’s my moon sign and what does all of

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” Her sessions include birth chart readings, tarot, energetic clearings and psychic consultations.

For those whore reading this text, it is probably going your zodiac sign has been the topic of scrutiny at parties, in magazine columns and even on dates – but you should not quite sure what all of it means. Most astrology novices discover with their Sun sign, because it represents our outward identity, and our personality traits which are essentially the most visible. Nonetheless, inside the astrological community, our Sun sign encompasses just an element of who we’re. It’s is our easy-to-spot personality; what we naturally exude; our innate gifts. Each astrological portrait is a novel signature, a composition of 12 planets and much more asteroids. If our Sun sign is the hero of our journey, our Moon sign is our hidden motives. Determined by the point we’re born, it represents a more hidden yet equally relevant element of our psyches. It’s who we’re behind closed doors, the intimate intricacies of our inner worlds.

The Moon governs how we reply to the ebbs and flows of life. Our Moon sign tells us what we require to feel secure, how our home environments shaped who we’re, and even what we project onto our outer world. It’s without dispute that all of us handle our feelings in another way, with a few of us liable to wallowing and others inciting dramatic change. The Moon, our fastest moving celestial body, changes sign every two days. It’s our wavering moods, our intuitive nudges and even the qualities we dismiss inside ourselves.

The Moon, attributed to each insanity and unbridled moods, has long been the topic of ancient mystery. Because it moves our tides, it shouldn’t be a stretch to imagine it will affect the water inside us. Affiliated with the mother and the female faculties of our personalities, our Moon sign can point us to what we require for self-care. It shows us where we’d like to go to feel secure, and the way we process what happens to us externally. Our lunar placement is the language of tips on how to nourish and heal ourselves and points to where we’d like to go for fulfilment and safety.

Before we start, discover what your Moon sign is here after which find below an outline of your placement. Afterwards, head over to the Dazed guide to rising signs.

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