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21 Jan

Why I turned to traditional Chinese medicine to heal

After being prescribed steroid creams and immunosuppressants by GPs to no avail, Günseli Yalcinkaya decided to reframe her understanding of her body and health

My first run-in with psoriasis was during my university finals, after I was 20. It’s not particularly surprising because stress is a major trigger for those with an underlying tendency towards the condition. (Together with cold weather, hot weather, dry weather, smoking, drinking, infections corresponding to strep throat and even certain medications.)

However it wasn’t until last 12 months (after I was 26) that I had my first proper psoriasis flare-up. Appearing a few weeks after my second Covid vaccination – a incontrovertible fact that’s in a roundabout way correlated, but my dermatologist tells me is probably going connected – my body broke out into small reddish spots. Initially, I assumed it was an allergic response or, perhaps worse, bed bugs. But, because the symptoms got progressively worse, I went to my GP, who told me I had guttate psoriasis and prescribed me a round of thick (and deeply unpleasant) steroid creams. 

Around 1.1 million of us within the UK are affected by psoriasis and seven.5 million within the US, yet the condition is hardly spoken about. An autoimmune disease that visibly manifests on the skin, psoriasis isn’t a skin condition but a chronic, genetic disease that appears in the shape of red, scaly patches over the body. Beyond the physical symptoms, those that suffer from it normally experience its psychological and social impact: anxiety and depression triggered by flare-ups is common, while the underlying social anxiety around showing your skin in public is a relentless.

“When exploring holistic treatments for psoriasis, it was vital to reframe my understanding of health.”

Except for the short-term relief – the steroid cream did make the patches disappear until just a few days later once they would reappear on different parts of my body with a vengeance – the psoriasis worsened as winter progressed. At its peak, it was covering 95 percent of my body. Since psoriasis is triggered by stress, the stress brought on by a flare-up is more likely to exacerbate the condition further. It’s a vicious circle. 

So I returned once more to the doctors who prescribed me UVB phototherapy light treatment and methotrexate, an immunosuppressant that reduces inflammation, but requires regular blood tests and might damage the liver and kidneys. Nervous by this ,and increasingly sceptical of the westernised approach to medication, I launched into a journey to seek out alternative treatments to treat my psoriasis. Here’s what I discovered.


When exploring holistic treatments for psoriasis, it was vital to reframe my understanding of health away from a western perspective, which focuses on eliminating symptoms, but fails to deal with hostile effects on the body, to a Chinese outlook, which considers principles of balance inside the body, and seeing it as one interconnected biosystem.

Chatting with specialists at London Acupuncture Clinic and 180 Health Club, I used to be told that the treatment of psoriasis involves analysing each symptom, relating it to organ disharmonies, deficiencies, excesses and changes in energy flow to ultimately get to the basis of the issue. On this understanding, psoriasis can appear as a result of an invasion of external wind within the body, in addition to blood and Qi (energy) stagnation. This results in internal heat and liver stagnation, which in turn, throws your Yin (structure) out of balance.


One of the popular ways to treat psoriasis in Chinese medicine is acupuncture. Fantastic needles are inserted into the skin at specific points to trigger specific responses from the body. “Acupuncture presents the mixture of specific points for such treatment, all the time interested by dispersing where it’s stagnant and toning where it’s deficient,” explains Renata Nunes, a therapist at 180 Health Club. “Cooling where it’s too hot and heating where it’s weak and cold – and all the time interested by generating harmony to the body.” 

In addition to being an amazing stress reliever, acupuncture helps to detangle any blockages of Qi inside the body, while strengthening your immune system by specializing in pressure points linked to the kidneys and liver. It’s not a fast fix – therapists recommend a minimum of eight weeks’ treatment – but I discovered that the experience left me feeling more relaxed and energised. Besides, it feels good to tackle the issue by exploring triggers inside the body, quite than mindlessly slathering myself in thick and greasy creams. Would I like to recommend? Definitely. 

Where to go: London Acupuncture Clinic, 180 Health Club


Based on Chinese medicine theory, herbs may be prescribed to treat psoriasis. The mixture of herbs is determined by the person, with the practitioner examining your skin and asking questions on your energy levels, menstrual cycle, and stool, in addition to a tongue examination to examine your overall health (the tongue is believed to be connected to the organs of the body through meridians, or energy pathways). My treatment got here in the shape of a powder to combine into hot water each day. I’ve only been using the herbs for every week, but I’m already starting to see a change in my skin.

Where to go: London Acupuncture Clinic, The Institute of Chinese Medicine


Because the appearance of psoriasis is a results of skin cells growing too quickly, research has shown that infrared saunas may help to enhance circulation, remove dead skin cells, deliver nutrients to the epidermis layer of the skin and help boost the immune system. Why infrared? Unlike traditional steam saunas that make you sweat 95 per cent water, the infrared goes even deeper, activating a ‘deep sweat’ that removes toxins within the body, like heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, uric acid and fat-soluble toxins. Plus, it’s super relaxing!

Where to go: 180 Health Club, Glow Bar


While none of those treatments are a fast fix by any stretch, exploring these alternatives has given me a greater understanding of my body and the importance of external aspects – stress, weight loss program, weather – in managing my symptoms. Stepping away from a strictly western outlook has made me more forgiving of my body, helping me locate triggers and stressors, as a substitute of slathering myself in creams and ointments and hoping for one of the best. It’s hard to pinpoint which treatment has been probably the most useful, but there are definitely advantages. My skin is getting clearer, I feel less stressed, and more positive.

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