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27 Dec

Why it is advisable to go water-free within the

As two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages by 2025, we talked to pioneers of the waterless beauty movement about the way it could help the planet – and improve products in the method

It’s the sweetness mantra we hear time and time again: water is the primary life source that provides untold advantages for our skin, nails and hair, encouraging cell growth and keeping dehydration at bay. Celebrities swear by chugging litres of H2O – Beyonce has previously claimed to drink at the least a gallon of water a day, while Rosie Huntington-Whiteley at all times increases her water intake before her beauty shoots. As our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water, this beauty rule does take a look at. Let’s face it, it’s got to be higher than mainlining lattes, right?

But next time you refill your bottle, stop and think in regards to the indisputable fact that water is ready to turn out to be a commodity. Freshwater is definitely incredibly rare, only 2.5-3 percent of the world’s water is fresh (estimates vary), which means that some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and an additional 2.7 billion find it scarce for at the least one month of the 12 months. Add to that the disappearance of lots of the world’s wetlands, the drying up of many rivers and lakes, and climate change altering patterns of weather and water, and disturbingly, at the present consumption rate, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages by 2025. Seawater and icebergs don’t necessarily provide a solution, as converting to fresh water can be expensive and the cleansing process fuel intensive in large quantities.

So how will you do your bit to save lots of water? ‘Waterless’ is the subsequent big thing in sustainable beauty, and an increasing number of brands are staking a claim on this category. Retail giant L’Oréal, for instance, has committed to a 60 percent reduction in water consumption per finished product by 2020. In addition to improving the environmental footprint of their formulas and particularly their water footprint, they shall be taking a look at developing recent products and technologies that help consumers reduce their water usage.

“Water makes up about 60-80 percent of your usual moisturisers and lotions, which in itself leaves little or no room for energetic working ingredients resembling hyaluronic acid.” – Dr Rupert Critchley

“It’s promising to see that the cosmetics and toiletries industry is making efforts to cut back its water footprint,” says Jonathan Farr, WaterAid’s senior policy analyst. “In 2016 around 3.6 billion people lived in water-scarce areas, and this number is anticipated to extend to around 5 billion by 2050. Which means on daily basis, an extra 110,000 persons are forced into water scarcity, so responsibly managing our water use have to be a top priority, and everybody from industries to individuals has a job to play.”

Relating to beauty products, ‘aqua’ is often first in ingredient listings; it’s the most affordable of all ingredients so formulas will be made less expensively by increasing the water content, thus adding volume. This leaves less room for the energetic ingredients that actually make a difference to your skin. At all times a step ahead, the Korean beauty industry realised this primary. The waterless concept was their baby, with many water-free products initially created for his or her potency and skincare advantages, moderately than for environmental reasons. As well as, many preservatives in products are there to counteract the bacteria growth encouraged by water. Removing water means less risk of bacteria or the necessity for preservatives, meaning cleaner, more concentrated skincare.

“Water makes up about 60-80 percent of your usual moisturisers and lotions, which in itself leaves little or no room for energetic working ingredients resembling hyaluronic acid,” confirms Dr Rupert Critchley, founder and director of VIVA Skin Clinics. “Dry and powdered formulas that you just activate with each use may also extend the use by date, meaning less waste.” Critchley believes that the waterless movement is positive environmentally, but says that there may be currently less selection on offer for those with skin problems. “Nevertheless, if it grows in popularity, we’ll begin to see more modern textures and recent delivery methods in addition to products to cater for all skin types and concerns,” he says.

“There may be a ‘clean water crisis’ as we speak and it can be crucial as entrepreneurs and global residents to work together towards a green future.” – Linda Treska, founder and CEO of Pinch of Color

Pioneers of waterless beauty, Pinch of Colour was founded to conserve the world’s most precious natural resource, while donating net proceeds to those in need of unpolluted drinking water, hygiene and sanitation. “Waterless for us will not be a trend, it’s a life-style, and each consumers and the multi-national corporations have to grasp that water is the brand new luxury,” says Linda Treska, founder and CEO.

“There may be a ‘clean water crisis’ as we speak and it can be crucial as entrepreneurs and global residents to work together towards a green future and create businesses and products which might be environmentally friendly and preserve our water resources. My approach to waterless was not only about being a ‘water-free’ brand, because it was about representing a cause that affects billions of individuals globally.”

Treska continues: “It affected me growing up in Albania and it continues to affect thousands and thousands of youngsters on a each day basis. We decided to work in tandem with water-driven NGOs all over the world to establish community partnerships for long-term water project sustainability. This business pillar has allowed us to take our water conservation message to a bigger scale and prove to the sweetness industry that waterless is the one option to go.”

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