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12 May

11 Famous Women Who Are Unapologetic About Their Body

Songstress Adele is sort of as well-known for her wise-cracking, self-deprecating, often profanity-laden repartee as she is for her gorgeous, soulful singing voice. Adele’s appearance has been a subject of public discussion since she first became famous in 2008, and he or she has never been one to draw back from joining within the conversation. In 2012, Adele gave birth to her son, Angelo. In 2016, while acting at a concert in Glasgow, Scotland, she took a break from belting out her signature hits like “Hello” and “Rolling In The Deep” to banter with the group. “Once I got pregnant I had a lot testosterone in me that I grew a beard,” she announced. “I only cropped it last night. It’s actually true. I’m not telling a joke. I even have a beard, but I’m happy with it. I call it Larry.”

While we applaud Adele’s embracing of her facial hair, she’s actually misinformed concerning the reason for her pregnancy beard. Denny Martin, D.O., associate chair of the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology at Michigan State University, told Glamour that it’s incredibly common to grow more body hair while pregnant, but it surely’s because of additional estrogen within the body, which causes all hair to remain in a growth phase. Extra hair can show up on nipples, the back, the stomach, the face, and on upper thighs but will normally disappear one to 6 months after giving birth. 

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