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  • @chrisd5610

    Possibly the most boring show and collection I've ever seen. The lack of pieces to show obviously reflected by the singular models being sent up and back down that catwalk while everyone has to sit around waiting for the next model to show up. I feel like I'd regret not being able to get that time back if I'd have bothered to show up to this, sort of like how I feel while I type thi ….

    December 14, 2024 at 6:25 pm
  • @samsalman4466

    This is a mediocre collection. Another Designer who designed a whole collection for herself. Crappy hand, drawn hearts on shitty Fabric make for a pathetic collection. This is yet another example of somebody with too much money, making clothing just for themselves. I can find something similar on Temu.

    December 14, 2024 at 6:25 pm

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