Mangled Morning with Mera Mangle & Scarlett Syanide:
☆ RuPaul’s Drag Race UK: Season 5 – Episode 8: “Hotline Makeover” Challenge with DeDeLicious , Ginger Johnson, Kate Butch, Michael Marouli, & Tomara Thomas
• One other Challenge Winner is Eliminated after the LSFYL to “This H*ll” by Rina Sawayama
• Next Week Preview: Episode 9 – Roast Challenge shows Vicki’s anger with one other Queen!
☆ Canada’s Drag Race: Season 4 – Episode 1: “Premiere Ball” with host Brooke Lynn Hytes
• Canadian Queens of S4: Venus, Denim, Kiki Coe, Luna Dubois, Sisi Superstar, Melinda Verga, Kitten Kaboodle, Nearah Nuff, Aurora Matrix, The Girlfriend Experience, Aimee Yonce Shennel
• Twisted Rules & Changes within the Season: Rosebuds & Golden Beavers?!
• Runway Themes: First Impressions AKA Entrance Look, Shimmering Showgirls, & Me Myself and I
• No Bottom 2 for Week 1
• Top 2 Lip Sync for the Win to “Feel It In My Bones” by Tiësto ft. Tegan and Sara
☆ Drag Race Brasil / Brazil: Season 1 with host Queen of the Universe Winner Grag Queen – Episode 12 “Grand Finale” with Betina Polaroid, Miranda Lebrão, Hellena Malditta, & Organzza
• Special Guest US Pit Crew Member: Bruno Alcantara
• Maxi Challenge: Star in a music video for Grag’s song “Party On a regular basis”
• Runway Theme: Meu Melhor Look Drag
• Final Lip Sync for the Crown Song: “Envolver” by Anitta
• Winner of Season 1: Organzza
• Returning Queens: Shannon Skarllet, Naza, Dallas de Vil, Rubi Ocean, Aquarela, Melusine Sparkle, Tristan Soledade, Diva More
☆ Drag Race Germany: Season 1 with Barbie Breakout, Dianne Brill, Gianni Jovanovic
• Top 3 Queens: Metamorkid, Pandora Nox, & Yvonne Nightstand
• Next Week Preview: Episode 12: “Grand Finale”
☆ Pangina Heals OFFICALLY named as returning Host for Drag Race Thailand: Season 3!
☆ Drag Race España All Stars Pronounces “Meet The Queens” for January 2024
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venus is pretty, skinny, her complexion is light and she is favored from the begining, i think we have seen this story play out before i hope im wrong but it seems every other season they cast someone like this to make it top 3. makes for a boring experience as a audience member, again i hope im wrong this is ep 1 after all.
btw!! no hate to venus im hating on the producers
Goddamn, yall fans complain when drag race is boring and you complain when they try new things. Cant you just watch the fcking show. Bunch of kids.
I LOVE Scarlet’s new hair. Bangs aren’t for everyone, but It suits her makeup and glasses so well- she’s never looked as stunning out of drag for me.
Kitten Kaboodle was walking a cat not a dog.
Scarlett,!! So gorge

Tomara’s partner’s wig was saying “No ma’am” to a seamless hairline.
But I loved the nod to the Chanel suit. Ppl see it as basic, but it’s a staple in any closet, even a drag queen’s.
Scarlett you look so cute!!!
If we were gonna do a top 2 just put the bottom girls as safe bc Aimee, Aurora and Luna all served it in all 3 categories
Hello Mera and Scarlett!!! First time tipping, but I've been watching since you covered All Stars 6, I believe. I love your content: it's been helping me stay sane while I've been going through school, and now I'm finally graduating. I'm paying it forward since I've got a great job lined up now. Much love.
P.S.: why was Grag Queen's finale runway more on theme with the Hearts Runway on UK than any of the UK queens?
With the way drag race UK is going, I have a feeling Tamara will go. Everyone I have wanted/thought would stay have left.
Canada remains consistent…with weird judging. Venus getting a rosebud for what? I really hope they don't sleep on Kiki and Aurora this season. Two excellent Asian queens that are clearly being overlooked already…
I seriously need padding and maybe even breastplates to become more mainstream and a popular choice again.. the no body is getting sooooo tired.
That’s right! What i also thought, Kate is reminds me of KATYA. She’s the UK KATYA
Are you going to mention the Germany Reunion?
Love y'all so much!!! And I LOVE Scarlett's new hair!
Loooooooove the new hair Scarlett !
I thought Dede and Kate were pretty evenly matched but UK is starting to feel a bit formulaic in the way that a lip sync assassin makes it to top 4 and goes out before the finale (assuming Dede is next to go), In Cheryl, Ellie/Tayce, Vanity and Peppa
Watching the premiere of CDR4 made me want to rewatch CDR2. And I just saw Beth’s elimination. I really wish they would extend her an opportunity to compete on CDR5. But that’s a tangent for another day. Beth used like the entire lipstick on the mirror to give Gia a hard time with cleaning it up and I thought that was so funny. It sparked a couple video listicle ideas:
– girls who left the mirror a mess with the lipstick for the contestant to deal with
– girls who were shady in their lipstick message
Scarlett looking GORGEOUS in this new hair
I know some people were mad that organzza won, but for me… she fits the mold for the 1st drag race Brazil winner. Anytime I see Brazilians, their style and culture is just so effortless, cool, and edgy. She fits that streetwear edgy style that I’ve seen before.
A little disappointed there was no comment on the utter madness that was Italia's Snatch Game, or Lina's showstopping runway outfit.