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1 Sep

Horoscopes September 2023: Jupiter, the planet of luck, is

Horoscopes September 2023: Jupiter, the planet of luck, is

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” Her sessions include birth chart readings, tarot, energetic clearings and psychic consultations.

September closes out the theatrics from Venus retrograde, prompting us to ditch the drama and return to earth. The Sun is escorting us through the pragmatic sign of Virgo and we’re ready to scrub up the glittery debris left behind from Leo season. As we put the parties to rest, we reconvene with our bodies, and are encouraged to amp up the self-care. This summer’s Venus retrograde put the break-ups and blow-outs behind us, and September offers us a much needed space for healing. As the non-public planets move through Virgo, the sign of the healer, our focus shifts to self-improvement and routine. We’re meticulous, action-oriented and determined. We’re beckoned to calibrate with our bodies, and go for wellness over interpersonal drama that ran rampant through Leo season. 

Venus moves forward in Leo on September third, encouraging us to wreck control any residue drama left behind from summer shenanigans. This is sweet news for matters of the center, in addition to funds and inventive projects which will have been placed on hold. Mercury continues to be retrograding through Virgo until the fifteenth, so the occasional delay and communicative hiccup might be anticipated. With the Sun radiating in Virgo until the twenty third, we go for self-improvement, wellness and repair to others. Virgo encourages us to pair self-love with day by day actions, and curate a routine.

Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on the 4th, encouraging us to look at our self-beliefs and narratives around worthiness. With the planet of luck and expansion backtracking, long-distance travel could also be delayed, and matters of finance need reassessing. Whilst Jupiter retrograde isn’t as havoc-inducing as others, we’re ushered right into a period of introspection around our beliefs in money, self-worth and bodily autonomy. As writers’ and actors’ strikes begin in Hollywood, and alternative currencies grow to be commonplace, Jupiter in Taurus encourages us all to honour our price. We’re quick to talk up when we now have been slighted and sold short. 

The last Latest Moon of the summer occurs in Virgo on September 14th, encouraging all signs to strengthen their resolve towards healing and betterment. That is a very good time to strengthen our mind-body connection, and deal with self-improvement. With Mercury moving forward the next day, we now have a restored sense of clarity and focus.

Libra, ruled by Venus, is the sign of relationships and has us ditching our to-do lists for social schedules. We’re especially attuned to matters of fairness and justice, quick to react to perceived lacks of balance in relationships. The month culminates with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the twenty ninth, ensuring that we’re carving out our own paths. With the South Node in Libra, and the North Node in Aries, we’re prompted to quit people-pleasing, and go for independence over codependency.

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