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3 Aug

How Athletes Are Beauty’s Best Kept Secret – Essence

Image courtesy of Essence

Essence Beauty joined the wonder talk with panelists WNBA Player Te’a Cooper, LSU Women’s Basketball Star and Rapper, Flau’Jae Johnson, and Olympic Gymnast, Jordan Chiles, moderated by Girls United’s Rechelle Dennis, to debate beauty in sports on the BeautyCon™ stage. Athletes have quickly develop into the brand new faces of beauty. The panel showcased today’s finest women athletes, engaging them in conversations about assuming the role as the brand new and upcoming icons of beauty. The athletes delved beyond their exceptional skills of their respective sports, and make clear how they embrace the world of beauty.

All three women take their all star careers from Sports Illustrated and Nike, to self-care and wellness for the last BeautyCon™ panel at Essence Festival 2023, “Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good, Now Pay Good.”

In accordance with Chiles, she has no days off. For her, beauty doesn’t consist of nail, makeup, or hair appointments. “As a gymnast, chalk is a big thing that messes up our skin and our hair,” she said. “Having protective styles is admittedly hard.” For Cooper, it’s the alternative. “You’ll be able to cancel whatever is occurring, I’m not going unless I’m as much as par,” she said. “I actually have to have my hair done on a regular basis,” responded Johnson, and Cooper agreed–hair and nails in any respect times is a must.

Cooper’s star power extends beyond the WNBA court. But there’s more to her than meets the attention – her best-kept beauty secret lies in being the brains behind Hollywood Luxury Hair, a hair extensions service that not only enhances her appearance and performance, but additionally brings in financial gains. Cooper emphasized the importance of diversifying income streams and establishing a powerful support system in each business and private life to foster inner well-being. “Irrespective of if people think you’re pretty or not,” she said. “How you’re feeling on the within is what matters probably the most, so keep individuals who encourage your beauty around.”

For Johnson, her beauty secret shouldn’t be a secret in any respect. “I take days where I just don’t do nothing,” she said. “I just sit home on the sport just chilling, not talking about business.” The boundaries separating business, sports, and the panelists’ each day routines function an important aspect of their wellness. Chiles, holds a special wellness secret near her heart – the ability of beauty rest. “I can go days without getting my hair or nails done, and just take a nap,” she said. 

From hair, nail, and spa appointments to sleep and leisure, the panelists’ added the last key to their overall health: doing good. 

“I all the time have to have a look at myself within the mirror and tell myself three good things I’m grateful for,” Chiles said. “I all the time tell myself I’m beautiful or I actually have support system.” Johnson’s approach to beauty revolves around pouring into others, a practice that brings a way of inner beauty. Whether it’s through affirmations or giving back to the community, the panelist firmly consider that true beauty lies in taking good care of oneself and others. “You’ll be able to only be the subsequent version of yourself, as an alternative of being the subsequent another person,” Johnson concluded.

Visit BeautyCon™ the Essence Fest edition at essence.com for more on the newest Black beauty panel.

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