Hi Beautiful! Excited about using box dye in your hair but undecided if it’s a superb idea? On this video, we break down the reality about box dyes and the way they compare to salon-quality coloring. You’ll be surprised to learn the professionals and cons of this convenient option and whether it’s as bad as people claim.
What you’ll learn:
The science behind box dye: How it really works and what’s inside.
Common myths about box dye – busted or confirmed?
The difference between box dye and skilled salon treatments.
Suggestions to securely use box dye at home when you decide to try it.
When to skip the DIY and head to an expert.
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Only time I trusted a hair colorist, they damaged my hair and made my hair melt and fall. That was about 35 years ago. I tried many brands over the years and Garnier has been my ONLY hair color brand for the last 25 years. My hair is healthy and looks great even though I’m completely grey under my color. I leave it on about 45 minutes because of the grey and never had any damage.
Brad, I’ve done it all. I’ve dyed my hair so many different times. I’ve bleached my hair. one time I did the absolute worst thing I dyed my hair black and then I decided I wanted to go blonde. So I bleached it with professional developer and then I toned it and I masked you know I did the deep conditioner stuff. My hair was definitely damaged. Would not recommend. But I have loved dying my hair at home. It’s almost always turned out great for me and this was years ago. I haven’t dyed my hair in almost 10 years because I’ve been having a bunch of kids and I thought that you shouldn’t dye your hair when you’re having kids and I’ve been busy with my kids. but I’m about to go dye my hair again!
I want to diy natural black hair to a dark red colour
And I have never done something like this.
Love it, watching this while timing my "box dye" root touch up

Do you have any recommendations on what I should use on my dry and thick hair. Like an oil
Reasons why I love my stylist- worth every penny so I don’t ruin my hair and don’t have splotchy, banded hair. I hated doing my hair at home during the pandemic.
"We are not all created equal."
THAT'S FOR SURE. True and shouldn't be controversial.
Our similarities do not make us the same. Our differences make us different.
We should celebrate our differences instead of trying to pretend we're all the same.
Where there is equality, there can be no excellence.
Semi box hair dye most time it’s permanent.
guilty becuase i kinda love it when my hairdye goes wrong.. it looks so unique like once i used red box dye over grown out black box dye and only my roots took in the red but it looked SO good a bit like ghost roots? recently used colour remover to get rid of the hairdye from that (it was like 4 month old dye) and i went a bit ginger but it looks like ive got golden highlights over black and brown so its actually so cool LOL
Box color can be great ‘IF’ you are trying to cover those first greys or need to give your color a slight boost. If you want a significant color change or have delicate, easily damaged or breaking hair see a professional. If you have a ‘Texture’ service see a professional. If you have a Permanent, Demi-Permanent or Semi-Permanent color and want to change the color, see a professional. If you are Bleaching or Heavily Highlighting your hair, see a professional.
I have had red hair for the last 6 months. It was box dye and I did it myself. I got complimented so many times and people thought it was my natural colour which was „gifted“ (hon.est.ly). Now I wanted to got blonde again (natural blonde) and spend 400€ at the salon. Well… I know red is hard to remove and I was there for 6 hours because I have so much hair that I can‘t even think of a good comparison… but my hair now is 50 shades of yellow.
I used box dye for 20 years. Loved reds. I learned something here. I am a artist and understand the color wheel
well. Now I am Natural gray
and love it!!! I used purple shampoo once a month to keep it silver. Thanks for the tips Brad. You are
percent right about the color wheel.
You should really try the Japanese box dyes
The babbling in the first ten minutes of the video, had me pausing it, watching netflix, an audio book and then only coming back bc the tab was still open. Perhaps lead with all the important information, not the pep talks
Love some BrandO

this is one of my favorites!!! 
I have long brown hair and have been growing out my platinum blonde for almost a year. I have a few inches of blonde i tried to box dye over brown but it didnt take. Its still blonde!! I followed directions on box. Do i need a filler over blonde 1st? Someone told me to use a filler. I have no idea. Please help me i have a sallys near by to shop products too
Went to Ulta beauty I got a purple dye, she bleached my hair, which was brown. She told me (probably cuz she doesn't know how to do hair) we should do an ombre after 5 hours I left there with patches of yellow purple and a dark purple
$250 never got my hair dyed again from a hair stylist
What was miss mannequins box colour!!??

Personally i am a box dye kinda girl, every time i went to a professional to get my hair done they either burned my hair (vergin hair) or made it look awful.. i don't even waste my time at hairdressers here in the netherlands, i do it all myself, colour, and cut, my kids uncluded. Love your vids <3
21:30 Dress to impress music?
Hair dye in general has come a long way since the 70s. I actually showed up at school with my blonde hair dyed pitch black with those bottles of temporary hair color. Can't remember the name but it was like tempura paint, and the result was like matte spray paint. And yeah I spent a whole semester like that.
What is happening with this editing!? And why the jumping around so much/!? U ok?
You wanted a box dye story: Normally I use a single process and get a blonde, but boring result. (Seriously thinking of going with a different shade.) Anyhow, my hair was already a blonde shade and I got the bright idea to go with a screaming red shade. My hair came out the same exact color as a red glass Christmas ornament you hang on your tree. It was NOT NOT a good result. I had to color over it immediately. I mean right away it was so awful…IF you're blonde be very very careful about trying to go red. If you don't know what you're doing it's going to be 'bad.'
The funniest thing Brad said was to 'blame us' for 'letting him go ginger.' LOL!! Ah, I loved that!
Eh, I'm too poor to afford pro color. So, it's the box for me. My dream is to have my hair cut and colored by the gorgeous Brad Mondo. Yes, it's just a dream, but a dream is almost as good as the real thing! <3 So, I'll keep watching his videos.
Please make your hair colour available in Australia
My hair is naturally dark ash blond. I used to want super light ash blond, but box dye always made it look orange so i gave up. Im happy with my natural color now, it's not worth it haha.
You are making my dizzy yes pls sit ahhh much better
Thank you for the important information
I used to use box dye sometimes when I was younger but now Id rather go to a place where they sell professional level products to get a better quality and the price is reasonable. I have sometimes gone to the pharmacy for a small quantity of bleach and developper though.
Brad how do u cut split ends
hah.. i have box dye in my hair as we’ll speak!..
My aunt paid for a professional to come to her home and dye her hair. I happened to be visiting. She wanted a golden blonde colour. The "professional" used a box dye that showed the colour my aunt wanted.
My aunt had YELLOW hair when the stylist left. My mum, who was with me, was a professional hairdresser before she retired. She was cringing when we left. "She missed an entired section in the back when she cut the hair, never mond the bright yellow hair… But your aunt thinks it looks fantastic, so we will say nothing in front of her… Today."
Personally, I wanted to dump purple on her head and make it an ash blonde colour as it would look so much better on her 72 year old head than the bright yellow that was not flattering on her. (Purple would actually look better on her head)
Now we just need a vid on your rec of which brand of box dye is the best
me watching this while waiting for my Schwarzkopf(hair dye brand) dye to set in my hair the color cashmere red
I’ve been colouring hair since 14, i’m 35 now. The years I’ve gone to (expensive) salons to do highlights were the years my hair was most fried, shortest and thinnest. The years of box dye and toner I had people (including professionals) asking me if I have extensions.
I’m not saying salons and expensive colour is bad… but highlights will f*ck your hair in comparison to just getting your roots done with box dye even every month.
Healthy hair is beautiful hair… not three feathers even if they’re nicely trimmed and perfectly toned/highlighted.
can’t you plz make a white color hair I got the gray one from your collection.
I’d love to use your XMONDO products, but you don’t ship to Bulgaria
My wife asked my barber to start dyeing her hair for her (he has a small, 2 man shop) and she buys 3 boxes of color and it looks really good. He and the other guy usually work together on her head, especially shampooing because she has a lot of hair. She has no complaints with it
I remember purchasing Remy hair extensions clip ins that were incredibly soft then coloring them with Garnier and to my horrors the hair felt so wretched afterward. The red matched my dyed hair but it made me think hmmm… perhaps my hair could be softer as well???
I always use box dye for my hair, I've never been to a salon for color, only for haircuts and perms, but its been years since I last had a perm. The last time I colored my hair I dyed it a little darker than my natural, bleached a section uderneath for a peakabo , and colored it a purplish color, I loved it, I usually color my hair once – twice a year
This guy is so boring
This is why I keep my hair one color and do it at home, I’ve had bad experiences at salons before with highlights and I’m terrified of going to the salon and have people do anything different on it, except my normal every few months trims.