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14 May

I’ve Never Seen Wet Beach Waves as Perfectly Sculpted

While her sisters are likely to volley between super dark brunette and platinum, Khloé Kardashian has been the resident honey blonde in her family for quite a while now, and it is simple to see why. She truly looks like she was born wear her hair this color, regardless of how she styles it: sleek and straight, corkscrew-curly, and all the pieces in-between. And speaking of in-between, considered one of her latest looks is concurrently essentially the most natural-looking and yet clearly impeccably styled beach waves we have ever seen.

In a photograph Kardashian posted to Instagram, her super-long hair looks not totally wet, not totally dry — anyone with natural waves may recognize it as the purpose of no return, where it’s just a little too late to begin a blowout. But why would anyone blow out this look when each tendril is so perfectly sculpted, so flawlessly formed?

“We were going for a fresh-out-of-the-ocean glam vibe,” explains stylist Andrew Fitzsimonswho tells Allure the photo was taken during a recent shoot in Malibu.

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