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10 Oct

Marc Jacobs would really like you to smell the

Marc Jacobs would really like you to smell the

Are you a part of the BLT community? Have you ever tasted the rainbow? What about sniffing it? Well, within the words of Marc Jacobs, it’s yours to try. I can’t quite consider I’m writing this, but as Pride season continues to swell, the brand has decided to take a scented rainbow on a tour of the UK, with Southbank’s Statement Point acting as its inaugural base, before heading as much as Manchester for town’s late August festivities. 

For all you trolls – sorry, leprechauns – a pot of gold will emerge in a fistful of tiny bottles, each containing a tester of the brand’s Perfect Marc Jacobs fragrance. At this point, everyone knows that perfection is a slippery concept, and that’s no more prevalent than inside fashion, which prefers to smooth over all of our rough edges. Marc Jacobs, nonetheless, has lived life unabashed in his honesty, talking candidly about his struggles with addiction, surgery, and sex, even when it has led him further into public scrutiny. With the word “perfect” tattooed on his inner-wrist, the designer’s perfume speaks to a belief that we, too, are all perfect – albeit through notes of rhubarb, daffodil, and cedarwood.

“Pride isn’t acceptance or tolerance,” the designer says, “it’s self-love. It’s an appreciation. It’s self-respect. It’s allowing myself to feel every little thing and allowing myself to be all of the things that I’m. Sometimes, it’s just feeling the enjoyment of getting that self-love.” The installation also marks the start of a partnership with the non-profit organisation akt, which supports the disproportionate variety of LGBTQ+ young individuals who have been rendered homeless. Alongside the launch of a brand recent Perfect Marc Jacobs TikTok Pride filter, the event will highlight all of the work the charity has been doing to seek out protected housing for 16-25 yr olds locally.

With kick-off on July 1, guests should enroll using this Eventbrite page for a probability to attent the VIP Perfect Pride Hour, which will likely be soundtracked with a live set from Jodie Harsh. Otherwise, the Perfect Marc Jacobs rainbow will appear on July 1 and July 2 on the Southbank Centre’s Statement Point in London, and August 26 and August 27 in Canal Street in Manchester.

#PerfectPrideMovement @marcjacobsfragraces

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