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9 Jun

Selena Gomez Talks Rare Beauty in Paris

Selena Gomez walked onto the rooftop terrace of Paris’ Bulgari Hotel barefoot, with Alaïa heels in hand.

“Certainly one of my favorite cities on this planet,” she said, addressing influencers and journalists gathered under the good sun at an event hosted by herself and Sephora, where Gomez’ Rare Beauty brand is stocked on the Continent. It’s been in France for nearly two years.

Fresh off a shoot of the film “Emilia Perez,” directed by Jacques Audiard, Gomez discussed her brand and the Rare Impact Fund, which she created to expand free mental health services and education for young people around the globe.

“To be honest, I assumed people would think I could be one other celebrity brand, and I used to be nervous for that reason,” she said. “In order that meant I needed to create a brand that was good quality, accessible and easy-to-use — because I’m not knowledgeable makeup artist.”

“Rare” is near Gomez’ heart — it’s the name of her album and spells out a tattoo that she sports.

“The word ‘rare’ to me means a lot, because I believe people forget we spend loads of time attempting to seem like other people, when in point of fact we’re exactly who we’re,” she said. “There’s all these faces, and that’s beautiful. I just hope our brand can embrace the natural side of everyone.”

Gomez has previously said she is just not defined by a photograph or a comment.

“It gets complicated sometimes, but you will have to have a healthy relationship with yourself and take a break off of social sometimes,” she said.

Gomez shared she never in her wildest dreams expected Rare Beauty would do in addition to it has.

“I on daily basis pinch myself,” she said. “It’s the most effective feeling on this planet when anyone comes as much as me and compliments the brand, because they’re not complimenting me — they’re definitely complimenting my team, as well, because we work really hard on these products, and so they want them to be great.”

The Rare Impact Fund is Gomez’ brainchild.

“I wanted to begin the Rare Impact Fund because I’ve been very personal with loads of people about my very own personal journey with mental health,” she said. “I find it something that’s essential. I do know that it could possibly be scary — the concept of attempting to seek help. However it’s not looking for help, it’s actually looking for other those that feel the identical way you do. Sometimes all you wish is a reference to someone that may understand you. At the least, that’s what I feel.”

Gomez has said she wants people to feel less alone, which is her brand’s mission.

As of a number of weeks ago, the Rare Impact Fund had reached 23 organizations across the globe, including 750,000 young people, plus 10,000 teachers and educators. And its mission won’t stop there.

“It just makes me so pleased to be a part of an amazing team — it’s not only me — and to know we’re making a difference,” said Gomez. “It brings me a lot joy, because not only are we making fun products which are really beautiful, but we’re doing something. And that makes me rest at night — knowing that I even have a purpose. I really like that.”

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