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27 Jun

Soft Tailoring for Spring: What Paris Buyers Loved

Soft Tailoring for Spring: What Paris Buyers Loved
PARIS — Men’s Week was indelibly marked by Pharrell Williams’ debut as creative director at Louis Vuitton. The brand celebrated with a spectacle for the ages — some attendees even said they were “witnessing history” — with a blowout event that took over the Pont Neuf bridge with a concert and branding galore. It earned buyers’ mentions for favorite collection and best show. As the massive opener, Louis Vuitton “set the tone, which was ‘showtime,’ The general theme was entertainment,” said Rinascenete’s head of fashion Federica Montelli. That frenzied vibe carried through the week with pop-up stores, collaboration launches and more parties than one could count. “The energy on the town is robust and fashion is employing entertainment greater than product...
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