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20 Nov

WATCH | Get Ready For G.L.A.M. Skin – Essence

WATCH | Get Ready For G.L.A.M. Skin – Essence

When her daughter developed eczema, Tiffany Cartwright took on the challenge of developing a home cure in her kitchen. Fast forward to today and Tiffany is the Founder and CEO of Amarra Products—and the G.L.A.M. body scrub.

Driven by necessity, Tiffany’s journey first began with treating her own daughter’s skin. Nevertheless, it took this Detroit mom losing her job, automotive and residential before she fully committed and officially launched her own business. Since then, Tiffany has found her footing as a successful entrepreneur whose products will be present in the homes of families nationwide. In her own words, “Nothing is more necessary than maintaining the integrity of your brand. If I trust this on my baby’s skin, you’ll be able to trust too.”

Destined to be an industry leader on the planet of body scrub, you’ve just got to try a few of Tiffany’s incredible products. Yow will discover her G.L.A.M. body scrub collection at Goal, you’re going to like—Lemon Love, Lavender Lush, Bubblin’ Brown Sugar, and Strawberry Crush.

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