What Are People Wearing in Latest York City?
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Edited by Me
Thias (Producer name)
His Instagram: https://instagram.com/mathiaskoonce?u…
His email: mkoonce1213@gmail.com
Redlox Beats
Tristan Paine
Favorite YouTubers LMK
This was wack! I live in NYC and only in the cuty ppl dress like clowns
Ask the people more opinionated questions like what their favorite thing to do is, and how their day is going
jada mouay
i love these style in new york videos.. other than random sims (game) content, i watch uh.. cashjordan’s new york tours~ slightly infatuated with nyc right now
jada mouay
end skwad
1:19 you're welcome
William Washington
Love this channel.
this dude a cornball
Lover Boy
The one in a cream shirt at 6 minutes is hot
Where are your glasses from in the start?
Calvin Christian
what shoes did bro have on at 5:34???
Karl Caguindagan
That Issey fit was CLEAN
Elsa O
Juan Diego Madrid Timbera…
you should ask people's horoscope sign !
bee kuczimacklemore
wit the hawks, GANG SHIT
True, you are a product of your environment! If you hang with bums, you act like one. Hang w winners, you will start acting like one!
Celine Natacha
dope vid. where ur glasses from?
Isaiah Espinoza
sub meet would be dope
Buffalo Gamer77
Some people work to pay their bills and others do what they love (and pay their bills). I feel like the attorney has a great job, he doesn't like doing it but it pays well. I'm sure there's a lot of people including myself doing a job that they don't love but it's what they know and pays their bills. A good question to ask would be, what do you do for work and next question, would you rather be doing something else besides that? What is stopping you from reaching your dreams?
Nhlonipho Mthembu
Tristan my favorite financial advisor
What got you into fashion that should be a question you ask them next
Candice Pantin
Ask people what will they tell their younger self and what they feel their Purpose is ????
Rena Mila
Thank you for the video. When talk about the designer bags, xsreps.com is the first designer store come into my mind. They are so professional. Cheap and mirror perfect quality.
Lee J
Fire content, love how real you are and you're entertaining af
Sandeep Brar
There is barely any content in 11 minutes. It’s just dude talking
The camera is so good
anyone knows the id on 10:28 shades??
when imma be in the city imma need to do a subscriber meetup
female in the thumbnail its def a tristan video
I can tell you’ve been watching a lot of sneako I love him btw lmao keep it up bro
Arienne Nicole
dO tHe m3Et Up ????
What FPS is this shot in 24fps??
My fav YouTuber outside of fashion is without a doubt, “Soft White Underbelly”
The liberals have turned NYC into a garbage dump
I have watched every single one of your videos but this is the last one. I can't believe you are using your platform on ig to publicly push the misogynistic agenda of Andrew Tate. You are too young and your life has been too privileged to understand why people are angry when you try take away the freedom and rights of the important group of people that women are. Imagine if the ideas he was saying were about a race, let's say your own race – you would be completely outraged. You are angry now because you think people are taking away your right to free speech, imagine if they told you to stay in the house and only look after another person, how to dress, what to say and you got beaten up if you didn't follow the rules. This is what happens to women who sadly end up with misogynists like Andrew Tate and the abusers who worship his ideas. Your life is easy, you have parents who give you love and money, a big house, you never had to work a demanding job in your life, you never went through anything truly traumatic – sadly others are not as fortunate as you are in this world but their lives matter all the same. Until you grow up and you finally understand this, please stick to entertainment and avoid politics and societal issues.
Tamara Nekola
Big shout out to MSU…l love another one of your videos yet again…no place like NY and you have a great eye.
Arline Jernigan
Jonna Jinton is my favorite YouTuber who is not fashion related. I appreciate how genuine she is, she is a good story teller and is highly creative and hard working as well as humble and grateful.
what the website link to the brand with the green bucket hat ?
Corey Thomas
Luv Lauren
Ia D. S.
Question to ask: favorite places in nyc restaurants bars etc