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5 Jan

are women at fault for their very own objectification?

are women at fault for their very own objectification?

This video was imagined to be posted some time ago, but it surely is getting posted now attributable to some annoying circumstances! I contemplated posting it because I’m late to the controversy but oh well. The message remains to be essential so I made a decision to go ahead and still post it! I hope you enjoyyyyy:)

the road between empowerment and objectification: 0:00
Part one: Angel Reese controversy: 1:14
Part two: Billie Eilish: empowerment or hypocritical?: 15:05
Part three: are women at fault for their very own objectification? : 27:44

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sub count: 173,000

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#angelreese #billieeilish

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  • @4thgoal232

    Everything was fine until she went on a tangent about how bad men are. Like I was enjoying your video just fine then you take a shot at me.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @TomboyGirl-n8r

    But aren't teen/pre teen girls look up to older women especially celebrities and will imitate them dressing provacatively for the malez gaze which endanger them !!

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @cloudy_dayz5000

    I don’t find her attractive. Why all the hype? There are a lot of beautiful black women out there to fawn over.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @LILJERK59

    4:10 the NBA subsidize the wnba the NBA pays bout $15M a year for the wnba to run properly such as travel, marketing etc.. then the money from wnba revenue isn’t enough to sufficiently run the facilities much less pay the athletes. How does the WNBA pay their athletes from the proceeds from the nba they receive money from the nba league (as a whole) and also wanna say the NBA owns 60% of the wnba and they lose out on thier investment every year in a deficit

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @meponolol3276

    I think angel reeses fit was cute 😢

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @donimac10

    1 great video great points 2 women assessing if women objectify or sexualize themselves “of course not” cause women support women’s decisions right or wrong

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @Glacier-q9p

    I really love Billie Ellish's fashion style. Who can pull off that funky little plaid hat? No one but her. And also, this may sound crazy but maybe men get sexualized less cause there are more men that are ugly and sexually unappealing than woman who people find attractive. Lol okay ya sounds crazy after writing it. But I guess the point I'm trying to make is that the sexualization happens in the mind of the viewer. You can dress up and think youre sexy in a corset for your scumbag husband and he just refuses to see you that way cause he's more interested in the hooker he's been seeing. I feel like the only time the way you dress = sexualizing yourself is when you are viewing yourself that way

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @ItsLunaRegina

    That parade shouldn't happen in Toronto, Canada.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @NeopardusApollo

    We can shorten that gap almost instantly if we buy tickets 😂😂

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @RosanneSmiles

    The comments are crazy, I disagree

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @savevsdeath

    I see nothing was learned. Women will never take accountability.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @JessiD-111

    Do we see men as objects as soon as they take their shirts off? Do we think men deserve violence because they dress in a sexy way?

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @TheDrink69420


    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @Miinafied

    I agree with most that you said. However. I did notice the difference when I dress tight and short things vs. Wearing baggy or modest clothes.
    When I wear the tight 'sexy' clothes I used to get catcalled more and harassed more. But when I cover up, almost nobody catcalls me or attempted to harass me. In a perfect world a woman would not be harassed even if she would not have anything on at all, unfortunately that is not the world we live in. So now I noticed I feel more comfortable to not draw too much attention to me, especially the sexualizing attention. I am not saying covering up can completely stop people from preceiving you in a certain unwanted way. But I did notice a huge difference between wearing short and revealing things, vs long dresses, baggy jeans and shirts. And I noticed I got different type of stares, people that like my creative outfits instead of hungry eyes. I just hope all women out there stay safe.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @maliciousanddelicious

    If you’re an ugly woman (like me) then you have to deal with a different kind of attention sadly.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @ravendronesolutions

    Ladies, you are responsible for yourself and what you show. You arent a victim if you sexualize yourself and get said results (apart from SA, there's no excuse for that). You can't sexualize yourself and expect to be treated with chivalry and respect like a woman in the 1920s. Grow up.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @csutherland21

    I have compassion for her. I do think she is a bit oversexualised and overexposed on social media, especially in terms of the way she's presenting herself. Not only how she's dressing but her persona in general. However, I do know it's most likely coming from a place of not being seen as desirable, sexy and feminine because she's a female athlete. I think she's going the extra mile trying to prove that she can be a baddie and an athlete. Since she makes the bulk of her money off brand deals, she has to maintain a certain presence on social media. So I see someone that is struggling to find the balance.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @wijinsama

    As a man, I look at it like this. ANYTHING nowdays ESPECIALLY ON THE INTERNET is viewed in a sexual light. I dont objectify women or look at yall as eye candy. BUT for how long, you women do sexualize yourself WITHOUT MEN doing it. P0rnstars, OF, Cosplay, Twerking etc. Hell, thinking being a "H0e" is cute when it's not. If a woman were to ever go outside in a dress, sure no problem. But if you go outside knowing the dress is too short and you gotta pull it doen every 5 minutes, cleavage out, or a peak up the dress……then that sends very specific message that you want to be seen. It's like if a man were to come outside in a shirt and gym shorts vs a man who walks outside without a shirt and shorts that show his bulge. You can dress however you like, but there is context. Plus a lot of women MAINLY ON THE INTERNET AND MEDIA, make it seem like showing off your body in a sexual manner is okay when it's not. Plus, this world has always been "sexual", we have 9 billion people on this earth

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @hennigadient4265

    This is one topic where I notice again " i dont fit in " As someone that never cared about trends and stuff. I never feel the pressure of being sexualized bc of my clothing. I got sexualized for being a women yes sure. Bit my clothing stile was always alternative and people stare but sure dont sexualize me for it.

    Just an other topic where I dont see myself as a part of society.

    In general i have to say no one can controll what other people think about our outfits. when i feel the most pretty – the most people give me the look of " urg whats that ugly thing "

    how ever We woman should have the right to dress how we want! but come on dont cry if you dress reviling and people look. BUT no one has the right to touch you!!! even if you walk around litarly nacked. But men will sexulize you that is just the reality.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @devonjenkins6829

    Yall are so fake and disingenuous is disgusting like why cant yall just be honest are real. Like yall walking around with the bottom of your cheeks out and yall not objectifying yourselves. Years ago that was a prostitute uniform and they were definitely sexually objectifying themselves so what does that say about the women who dress like prostitutes but aren't??

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @emilieandie3889

    haha, I did the same thing with bad posture (fellow tallgirl )

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @popstarprincess123

    She can wear whatever she wants just don’t be surprised if people think or say something about it

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @onlyhalfbad333

    I don’t think you’re aware of what guys go thru. It’s just as brutal.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @AdamIshak01

    Imma say it and idc how mad people are gonna be- as much as I enjoy and grew up with the Bailey sisters, she’s prettier and easily could have been the new Ariel.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @itsaliveunfortunatly8961

    Girls in niqab/hijab, nuns, priests get sexualized. Imo if its not inappropriate to the occasion, public indecency, minors a person should be able to just see a body as a body and a person as a person

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @Ashticot

    As a girl i sometimes dress a bit more revealing, because i want to people to think "oh she is pretty with those tighter outfits" and it makes me feel confident.

    But being seen as an object? Rude comments? Thats a big no. Because i have a tight shirt showing off my curves does not make me a slut, nor do i want to be seen as a slut. I just want to feel confident in my body time to times, and show that i am confident in it

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @marissawatson8292

    No one ever asks if shirtless men are sexualizing themselves. They never say men who wear revealing clothing are objectifying themselves.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @Carrrrrreigh

    The system exists bc women keep participating

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @bobdole991

    Honestly, dudes just want to smash and they’re mad bc she reminds them of the girls that curved them back in the day.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @JustASiner1700

    The wnba does not make money for the nba the nba subsidizes it so the women can get paid men are the primary watchers if we want to fix the equality of the situation women need to support the sport

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @sofialondono4992

    I think the whole discussion relies in the fact that people believe that when women say "we dont want to be sexualized" it means WE are going to change our clothing for that to not happen, when the purpouse of that statement is that regardless of what we wear, OTHERS dont make sexual, rude, gross comments about it. Not because we wear less revealing clothes it means we do it for the whole purpose of lust or that others think sexually of us. Just because there are women that have a larger chest or bigger butt that's evident trough fitted clothing, it doesn't mean they are sexualizing themselves. Always women are the problem, but nobody talks about how the mentality about the female body is the problem. Why our chest, that its whole purpose its to breast feed babies, its something sexual? Why our nipples need to be censored while male nipples dont? Why our butt, that its whole purpose its to aid balance and support has to be big to be deemed "attractive"?

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @ShyyBajanBeauty

    Did she change her overall look or was this just a photoshoot like a one-time thing cuz if this was just the one time take a picture put it on a magazine call it a day type thing there's no reason for everybody to be upset especially if she went back to wearing her baggy clothes

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @maryna.angelpa

    It's like you dress like that so you're asking for it.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @7EmpathicBeauty

    We won’t EVER be fully prepared for life but I think feeling like an adult for me is when I finally feel content and confident in my moves through life.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @1Love-starboss

    The rascy close if you ask me just aint much of a big problem to guys really its just some guys act silly over it but really and trully why girls are so frownsed upon is their high and mighty behavior over confidence which is ego not even a god with infinite powers should have way much higher than a guy could even dream of guys dislike girls now adays cuz of the way they act as a girl you will never see it but as a guy you see it always nonstop even if a girl was or is a prostitue she will still act Like shes too good for a guy

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @izzyshootsiphone

    Hypocrisy all across the board, Angel Reese L, Billie Eilish L. If I know that I am being sexualized and or objectified for showing skin and I keep doing it, then STUPID ME

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @MJ-py7dm

    She mean-girled Caitlin Clark throughout an entire season, dude that’s why men don’t like her. She’s fake, pretentious, a bad sport, and trashy.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm
  • @KarinaLicursi

    Countries that have more normalized nudity have lower rates of SA and other issues. So whether someone is doing it by choice or objectification. the public will see it the same way, because we're too puritanical.

    January 5, 2025 at 9:40 pm