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14 Dec

Skin Expert Sean Garrette Named Dior Beauty’s Skincare Ambassador

Skin Expert Sean Garrette Named Dior Beauty
Skin Expert Sean Garrette Named Dior Beauty

Skin Expert Sean Garrette Named Dior Beauty

Skin Expert Sean Garrette Named Dior Beauty Luxury brand Dior has tapped aesthetician and influencer Sean Garrette as its latest U.S. skincare expert. Garrette is the brand’s second skincare ambassador after celebrity aesthetician Joanna Czech held the position from 2020 to 2021.

“I used to be on this space where I had moved from just creating content on social media and dealing more with brands and helping them create educational content and techniques to achieve a considerable amount of people,” Garrette told WWD. “It wasn’t simply to discuss a latest product, but talk concerning the science and effectiveness behind it. For Dior, they’ve amazing skincare, but my job was to are available in and give you the option to teach the shopper on why the skincare was so good, why Dior makes the products they do and the way customers can incorporate the products into their routines.”

Over time, Garette has earned a dedicated online following for creating educational videos around skincare. He began off working at beauty counters before going to aesthetician school and ultimately starting his own skincare practice. He saw a spot in the wonder industry when it got here to skin look after people of color and Black peopel. He decided to treatment it using his knowledge as knowledgeable.

“I just never thought that I’d have a profession in beauty,” he told WWD. “Being an aesthetician, I didn’t see loads of male aestheticians — especially Black male aestheticians — so I never really thought it was a profession path that I could have. After I began,

I actually began my social media as a landing page for people of color to seek out products, especially sunscreens and skincare products that worked for his or her skin because there wasn’t loads of education around that. Even at school,

we might undergo our books and also you didn’t really see any of those skin conditions addressed for skin of color. I took that as my solution to educate people who looked like me.”

Although Garrette partners with skincare brands, he says his strategy has at all times been about giving his followers accurate and informational content before anything.

“I at all times try to come back from an honest and transparent place across the products that I’m recommending since the thing is, as an aesthetician, I ethically have this thing behind my head that any of my followers I treat them as my clients,” he also told WWD.

“I would like them to have the perfect results and to make use of the perfect products. So, my strategy isn’t a method. I just treat my following as my clients. The identical way that I’d treat a client that’s coming in for a facial, it’s the identical way I’d treat someone who’s in my DMs on the lookout for solutions for hyperpigmentation.”

In terms of his latest role at Dior, Garette desires to keep educating people on the advantages of Dior skincare products. “I feel just like the [Dior] skincare could be slightly underrated, especially in the luxurious sector” he said.

“I believe people push it off once they see luxury beauty — they think perhaps it’s not as effective, but from my experience with Dior, they make really good, effective skincare. We just must broaden the message and produce in a latest customer and produce Dior’s messaging and brand standards into the present day.”

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