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24 Nov

The Times These Men Supported Their Successful Women –

The Times These Men Supported Their Successful Women –

The Times These Men Supported Their Successful Women

The Times These Men Supported Their Successful Women Nary a day goes by without social media being set ablaze with a latest story a couple of cis-het celebrity relationship ending, then resulting in a really messy and public embarrassment.

Disagreements, jealousy, or infidelity have often shrouded high-profile celebrity couplings, leaving their supporters upset. Unfortunately, this is especially true when profession ambition is added to the combination. And it’s not only true for the wealthy and famous.

Research has shown that as women rise in profession ranks, they usually tend to get divorced than a person would in the identical skilled position.

“Promotion to a top job in politics increases the divorce rate of girls but not for men, and ladies who grow to be CEOs divorce faster than men who grow to be CEOs,” said Johanna Rickne, a professor at Stockholm University and co-author of the research, which could be present in the American Economic Journal. “It’s ‘still seen as quite unusual for men to be the foremost supportive spouse in another person’s profession’ ”

Fortunately, that’s not the case for each couple, and there actually are some incredibly proud partners to successful women on the market.

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